About us.

Everyday Chambered is about a dude (Tony) and his wife (Marta) and how their little family has opened their eyes to the lack of confidently trained and informed citizens.

Marta and Tony love their family and believe in helping develop a better society for their kids as they grow. They both believe an armed society is a well behaved society.


Anthony “Tony” is a husband and father, along with other family orientated roles. He is currently an active law enforcement officer in Southern California and has been for the past 10 years. Tony has worked in county jails, hospitals/medical assignments and is currently assigned to patrol.

Tony is a POST firearms instructor with his current agency and has dedicated his time and money to continuously being a student of his craft by seeking outside training with handgun, rifle and shotgun.

Tony also has a passion for medical training in regards to Stop the Bleed and TECC/TCCC and has always sought after training in that respect as well.

Tony’s first and second born are under 10 years old and they know how to handle a firearm safely and are aware of medical trauma treatment. That shows how serious Tony takes medical and firearms training.

Needless to say, you’re in great hands!


Martha “Marta” is a wife, mother and business owner. She is also familiar and confident in handling firearms through her training. As Marta has continued to evolve in being a mother, she has realized how important it is for others to be armed and trained, in both mindset and firearms.

As Marta serves her community and informs herself on the dangers that prowl upon others, she has dedicated herself to fitness and believes it goes hand in hand with firearm training, as well always developing her mindset to be an asset and protector for her family.